Round 2 of Reflections on my Low Key Judgements

Through the second round of comments, I was given the opportunity to engage with another three digital artefacts which again, allowed me to further my knowledge of the gaming world.

Comment 1:

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Firstly, I commented on Christina’s beta post where she discussed the relationships between violence and gamers. I discussed how she utilised the process of feedback loops well by taking the feedback from her pith and remediating her DA to potentially increase her engagement with having her DA on a greater number of platforms, including Reddit and Twitter. I engaged with her beta post as she stated that she had experienced some commenting on being biased in her research; in response to this, I suggested a source that discusses ways to remain unbiased when writing an argumentative essay which I thought may assist her. Additionally, I noticed that Christina had not listen any references for her DA. In response to this, I personally did some research and offered a scholarly article that looked into the psychological profiles of school shooters and its relations to gaming, which I though she could also utilise in her further discussions. For additional feedback, I could have assisted her in looking further into lecture and reading materials which would have also given her beta a bit more relevant and reliable context.

Comment 2:

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My second comment was on Em’s beta post. Her digital artefact focuses on the underrepresentation of female video game characters. Her beta was very well established as it was clear she had spent a sufficient amount of time researching and establishing her supporting sources. To engage with her post, I offered a source that consisted of studies conducted in 2014/2015 of 1400 students. The findings of this study discussed how female participants cared more about what gender the character was that they played in games, more so than the male participants did. This research also would have provided Em with statistics which could be useful in making her DA discussions more relevant and reliable.

Comment 3:

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My final comment was on Nicole’s post. In this she discussed how nostalgia is used in games. I engaged with Nicole’s beta as she stated that her initial video post received a number of dislikes; to this, I suggested that she further discussed how she planned to use the feedback loops of these dislikes to remediate her DA. Additionally, gave feedback to her mentioning of the use of nostalgia in marketing, I discussed how a key aim for marketers is to connect to their audiences emotionally as it encourages the individuals to become consumers. I explained how marketers use nostalgia as it is essentially an emotional connection to something. I them provided an academic source which further discussed the emotional components of nostalgia which I believed would be beneficial.

Overall, I believe I improved in this round of comments as I spent more time understanding each individual’s DA and goal and ensured that all of my suggestions would be beneficial and be able to be used in their future DA discussions.

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